Legacy Videos.

Give your loved ones a place to share their stories, their memories, their wisdom, and their loves with one of our legacy videos. It’s a unique, special way to honour the lives of your closest family and friends.

A video keepsake.

How it works:

  • We come to your home, or the home of your relative – maybe your parents, grandparents, aunt or uncle.

  • We bring all our gear, set everything up, make sure everyone is very comfortable, and then we give them the opportunity to share their life’s story.

  • We come prepared with a series of questions tailored toward them.

  • We put together a very professional, high-quality, documentary-style video that highlights the key points in their life for future generations to watch and appreciate.

Our hope is that, by hearing these memories, families and friends can join together to learn about their history and their legacy, and can continue passing down their stories from generation to generation..

Interested? Let’s connect.

General queries? Requesting a quote? Want to schedule a chat to discuss your video ideas? Send us a message and we’ll get back to o



202-896 Cambie Street.

Vancouver, BC

Video camera set up for interivew